

Over the years bad things have increased to a considerable extent and recently it has become a lot lot more. A day’s newspaper has more bad stuff than good. I mean just think about it, you pick up any newspaper and check it out properly; you’ll notice there so much of bad stuff to read about. Not just me but I think many people must have become fed up of reading them. Though I make sure I read the newspaper everyday or at least go through the headlines for the day, lately I have made up my mind that no matter what, I just won’t read any bad news. It kind of puts me off. It’s like a huge turn off. Because whenever I go through any bad news it ends up spoiling my day, it ruins my mood and kills my enthusiasm. The fact is unlike some people who read them and get over it doesn’t seem to work with me. It becomes extremely difficult for me to read some terrible stuff and throw it out of mind. Though I may not be able to help out to make any difference, it really gets on my nerves. I end up thinking about it for the rest of the day storming my mind with many unanswerable questions.

It makes me wonder “is it so hard and difficult to build a proper system for our society?” Our government, our authorities have been debating for the past so many years now. Debates about “whether a thing should be or not”.

But I have never seen these debates making much of a difference to our freaked out country.  It takes them so long to implement a rule which is for the betterment of our country people but the debate just goes on and nothing ever happens. I wouldn’t point out to a particular issue assuming you all must have been aware enough of our countries affairs. Of course they do implement some things but not most of the things. There is no denying that. Until and unless people raise their voice things are taken too lightly. It seems that our leaders are not bothered about much things and whatever they do for society is just for the people to know so that they could have their votes next time. It leaves me wondering “when are things REALLY going to change”

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